Meet Jamie fundraising BC
One Stop Fundraising BC
Meet Jamie Metz fundraising BC
I’ve always wanted to be the first and last person you need to call to attain your fundraising goals… fundraising BC
I have always known that fundraising was my calling,
whether it was being the top wrapping paper salesperson in my school in grade 7, selling the most 50/50 tickets for my minor hockey team or heading the fundraising efforts when I worked as a corrections officer in a maximum security jail so our hockey team could afford to travel to the World Police And Fire Games.
When I was approached to leave my job as a correctional officer to join Entertainment Publications “The Coupon Book” it was scary but also very exciting that I was going to be able to help schools and community groups attain their goals and make a difference. fundraising BC
I worked for Entertainment Publications for 17 years
and have seen a lot of changes in how fundraising is done and it’s challenges. I’ve also been privileged to be a part of schools ribbon cutting ceremony for new playgrounds and see the positive impact of what I was doing in the community. During those 17 years I built a valuable reputation in the fundraising field with Principals, PAC’s and with my fundraising competitors. In January of 2018 I was presented with the opportunity to become an independent distributor of the Entertainment Coupon Book. This also meant I was going to be able to offer other products.
My philosophy with the new products
I knew I wanted to offer what was going to be local companies and products people would want and need as well. I’ve always wanted to be the first and last person you need to call to attain your fundraising goals and that is why I called my company One Stop Fundraising. Most schools do 3 to 5 fundraisers in the year and I want to be able to help you in each and every one of those fundraisers.
Jamie Metz
One Stop Fundraising
Contact One Stop Fundraising for help with your fundraiser.